Chart No


Price Code


P 1 Inter Conversion of Energy Forms C
P 2 Sound Spectra C
P 3 Meter Principles Part - I C
P 4 Meter Principles Part - II C
P 5 Semi-Conductor Fundamentals Part - I C
P 6 Semi-Conductor Fundamentals Part - II C
P 7 Transistor Characteristics C
P 8 Electronic Symbols Part - I C
P 9 Electronic Symbols Part - II C
P 10 Nuclear Radiation Detectors Part - I C
P 11 Nuclear Radiation Detectors Part - II C
P 12 Line Spectra of some elements C
P 13 Crystal Structure - Types C
P 14 Particle Accelerators -Cyclotron C
P 15 Triode characteristics - Static C
P 16 Velocity of light (Focault’s Rotating mirror method) C
P 17 Atomic Reactor C
P 18 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope C
P 19 8085 - Instruction Set C
P 20 Light - Refraction C
P 21 Light - Refl ection C
P 22 Light - Dispersion C
P 23 Light - Diffraction C
P 24 Light - Interference C
P 25 Light - Polarisation C
P 26 Lenses - Images C
P 27 Telescopes C
P 28 Lasers C
P 29 Magnets & Magnetic Properties C
P 30 Transformers C
P 31 Dynamos C
P 32 Kirchoff’s Laws -Wheatstone &Metre Bridges C
P 33 Dimensional Formulae C
P 34 N. Type P. Type, Crystals C
P 35 Surface Tension & Capillarity C
P 36 Levers & Pulleys C
P 37 Images of Lenses & Mirrors C
P 38 Electromagnetic Induction C
P 39 Rectifi ers C
P 40 Filters C
P 41 Multivibrators C
P 42 Logic Gates C
P 43 Oscillators C
P 44 Telephone C
P 45 Television C
P 46 Photographic Camera C
P 47 8085-Functional Block Diagram C
P 48 Electrolysis C
P 49 Electro Magnetism C
P 50 Ohm’s law - Electric Circuits C
P 51 Computer C
P 52 Common Pumps : Force, Cycle
Vacuum & Siphon
P 53 Newton’s Laws of Motion C
P 54 Calorimetry C
P 55 Amplifi ers : Single Stage C
P 56 Amplifi ers : Multi Stage C
P 57 Amplifi ers : Feed Back C
P 58 Vernier, Screw Gauge & Spherometer C
P 59 Satellite Communication C
P 60 Boyle’s Law C
P 61 Determination of Focal Lengths
In Lenses & Mirrors
P 62 Velocity of Sound C
P 63 Radar C
P 64 Fax and Xerox C
P 65 8086 : Functional Block Diagram C
P 66 Thermo, Baro, Hydro & Manometers C
P 67 Developmental Stages of Satellite C
P 68 Nuclear Power Plant C
P 69 Charles Law C
P 70 Biconvex & Double Convex Lens C
P 71 Biconcave & Double Concave Lens Assorted C
P 72 Electric Motor C
E 11 Refrigerator & Operation C
E 12 Refrigeration Principles C
E 21 Communication Systems - I C
E 22 Communication Systems - II C
E 23 Communication Systems - III C
E 24 Industrial Electronics - I C
E 25 Industrial Electronics - II B
E 26 Industrial Electronics - III C
E 27 Interfacing Peripherals - I C
E 28 Interfacing Peripherals - II C
E 37 Manufacture of Soap C
E 38 Fire Extinguisher C
E 85 Manufacture of Urea C
E 86 Manufacture of Heavy Water C
E 87 Hydrogenation of Oils C
Bi 46 Environmental Pollution C
Bi 55 Osmosis, Plasmolysis and Diffusion C
Bi 56 Gluconeogenesis & HMP pathway C
Bi 57 Municipal Water Treatment C
Bi 58 Enzymes : Classifi cation & Kinetics C
Bi 59 Phosphorous Cycle C
Bi 60 Genetic Code C
Bi 65 Biogas plant C
Bi 66 Chromatograph C
Bi 67 Electrophoresis C
Bi 22 Water Cycle C
Bi 24 Carbon Cycle C
Bi 25 Nitrogen Cycle C
Bi 142 Manufacture of alcohol from molasses C
Bi 154 Laboratory Safety C
Bi 155 Forms of D.N.A C
E 29 Interfacing Peripherals - III C


Ps 1 Periodicity of Elements :
Atomic Radii & Electronegativity
Ps 4 Periodic classifi cation of Elements:
long Form ( 125 x 200 cms )
Ps 5 Liquefaction of Gases ( Air ) 2C
Ps 6 Electro -Magnetic Radiation Spectra C
Ps 7 Emission Spectra of Hydrogen Atom C
Ps 8 Study of Thermionic and Photo Electric Emission B
Ps 10 Discharge Tube Experiments Part I B
Ps 11 Discharge Tube Experiments Part II C
Ps 12 Principle underlying Thomson experiments C
Ps 13 Effects of Electric Current C
Ps 14 Periodic Table of the Elements C
Ps 15 Periodic Table with s.p.d. & f blocks C
Ps 16 X-Rays (gas fi lled X-Rays tube) C
Ps 17 Structure of lonic compounds of
Type AX(Zns, Nacl, Cs Cl)
Ps 18 Sodium Chloride Crystal
(Elements ofSymmetry in simple cube)
Ps 19 Millikan’s oil drop method B
Ps 20 Electro Chemical Cells C
Ps 21 Optical Activity C
Ps 22 Radio Activity-Alpha,Beta,&Gamma Rays C
Ps 23 Structure of Atom C
Ps 24 Nuclear Fission & Fusion C
Ps 25 Radio Activity Elements 2c


C 1 Shapes of Atomic Orbitals C
C 2 Relative Energies of Atomic Orbitals C
C 3 Shapes of Orbitals and Molecules C
C 4 Formation of Molecular Orbitals C
C 5 Molecular Orbitals of Benzene C
C 6 Conformation of Ethane and Cyclohexane C
C 7 OpticalIsomerism
& Geometrical Isomerism
C 8 Fischer Projection Formulae of various
Aldoses from D-Glyceraldehyde
C 9 DNA Structure C
C 10 Alpha helical Structure of a polypeptide C
C 11 Tertiary & Quarternary Structure of protein C
C 15 Petroleum Fractions C
C 16 Blast Furnace C
C 17 Manufacture of Ammonia : Haber’s Process C
C 18 Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid :
Chamber process
C 19 Extraction of Sodium C
C 20 Fractionation of Coal Tar C
C 23 Determination of Molecular weights
Victor Meyer’s Method
C 24 Manufacture of Sodium Hydroxide &
Chlorine (Nelson’s Cell)
C 25 Structure and Manufacture of Carbon
allotropy (Coal, Graphite & Diamond)
C 26 Manufacture Of Cement Dry Process C
C 27 Manufacture of Coal Gas C
C 28 Fuel Gases ( Oil, Producer & Water gas ) C
C 29 Manufacture of Nitric Acid from
Ammonia (Ostwald’s process)
C 30 Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid :
Contact Process
C 31 Extraction of Sulphur : Sicilian and
Frasch process
C 32 Manufacture of Aluminium by Electrolytic
Process : Bayer’s and Hoope’s process
C 33 Metallurgy of Copper C
C 34 Metallurgy of Nickel C
C 35 Manufacture of Sugar from Sugarcane C
C 36 Structure of Silicates C
C 37 Principle of Molecular orbitals (L.C.A.O) C
C 38 Structural Isomerism C
C 39 Hybridisation C
C 40 Amino Acids : Structure & Classifi cation C
C 42 Extraction of Iron & Steel C
C 43 Extraction of Magnesium C
C 44 Preparation of Ozone C
C 45 Preparation of Fluorine C
C 47 Acids-Bases C
C 48 Preparation of Hydrogen & Oxygen C
C 49 Preparation of Hydrogen Sulphide &
Sulphur Dioxide.
C 50 Manufacture of Sodium Hydroxide
(Solvay Process)
C 51 Distillation C
C 52 Aldehydes & Ketones C
C 54 Manufacture of Sodium Carbonate C
C 55 Preparation of Hydrogen Chloride,
Bromine & Hydrogen Bromide
C 56 Preparation of Methane, Ethene & Acetylene C
C 57 Refi ning of Petroleum C
C 59 Manufacture of Glass C
C 60 Manufacture of Nitrobenzene and Aniline C
C 61 Extraction of Phosphorus C
C 62 Purifi cation of Water & Hydrogen Peroxide C
C 63 Metallurgy : Principles & Processes C
C 64 Hydro Carbons C
C 65 Chemical Bond C
C 66 Preparation of Chlorine & Bleaching Powder C
C 67 Preparation of Carbon Dioxide C
C 68 Manufacture of Ethyl Alcohol C
C 69 Nitrogen Preparation and Estimation C
C 70 Chemical Laws C
C 71 Electronic Confi guration of Elements C
C 72 3D Arrangement of Solids C
E 31 Manufacture of Penicillin C
E 32 Manufacture of Polyester C
E 33 Manufacture of Nylon C
E 34 Manufacture of DDT C
E 36 Manufacture of Portland Cement C
E 35 Manufacture of Citric Acid C


E 1 Boilers : Fire Tube C
E 2 Boilers : Water Tube C
E 3 Boilers : Mountings & Accessories C
E 14 Steam Turbines C
E 15 Steam Power Plants Cycles C
E 16 Gas Turbines C
E 17 Hydraulic Turbines : Schematic Diagrams C
E 18 Hydraulic Turbines : Wheels and Rigs C
E 19 Hydraulic Turbines : Practical Applications C
E 20 Hydraulic Turbines : Hydro Electric
Power Plant
E 88 Steam Engine C
E 11 Refrigerators : Operation C
E 12 Refrigerators : Principles C
E 41 Refrigerators : Condensers, Cooling
Towers & Compressors
E 42 Refrigerators : Flow Controls C
E 43 Refrigerators : Flow Controls &
Inter Coolers
E 44 Refrigerators : Evaporators C
E 45 Refrigerators : Defrosting C
E 46 Refrigerators : Cycling Controls &
System Balance
E 47 Refrigerators : Cycles C
E 50 Automobiles : Stroke Engines C


E 24 Industrial Electronics : Stabilisers C
E 25 Industrial Electronics : Saturable
Reactor & Triac
E 26 Industrial Electronics : Diac & SCR C
Ps 6 Electro-Magnetic Radiation Spectra C
P 18 Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope C
P 28 Lasers C
P 30 Transformers C
P 31 Dynamos C
E 21 Communication Systems : Single
Side-Band Modulation
E 22 Communication Systems : Amplitude
E 23 Communication Systems : Frequency
P 7 Transistor : Characteristics C
P 55 Amplifi ers : Single Stage C
P 56 Amplifi ers : Multi Stage C
P 57 Amplifi ers : Feed Back C
P 5 Semi-Conductor Fundamentals
P 6 Semi-Conductor Fundamentals : Properties C
P 10 Nuclear Radiation Detectors : Gieger-Muller B
P 11 Nuclear Radiation Detectors : Scintillation C
P 19 Instruction Set :8085 C
P 47 Functional Block Diagram : 8085 C
E 27 Interfacing Peripherals : 8279, 8259A,8253 Pins C
E 28 Interfacing Peripherals : 8255A & 8257 Pins C
E 29 Interfacing Peripherals : 8212 & 8155 Pins C
P 39 Rectifi ers B
P 40 Filters C
P 41 Multivibrators C
P 42 Logic Gates C
P 43 Oscillators B
Ps 24 Nuclear Fission & Fusion C


C 16 Blast Furnace C
C 33 Extraction of Copper C
C 34 Metallurgy of Nickel C
C 42 Extraction of Iron & Steel C
C 43 Extraction of Magnesium C
E 31 Manufacture of penicillin C
E 32 Manufacture of Polyester C
E 33 Manufacture of Nylon C
E 34 Manufacture of DDT C
C 35 Manufacture of Citric Acid B
E 36 Manufacture of Portland Cement C
E 37 Manufacture of Soap C
C 50 Manufacture of Sodium Hydroxide
Solvay Process
C 61 Extraction of Phosphorus C
Bi 57 Municipal Water Treatment C
E 60 Manufacture of Paper : Kraft Pulping Process C
E 61 Manufacture of Paper : Acid-Sulphate Process C
E 63 Extraction of Soyabean Oil : Vertical
Circular procedure
E 64 Extraction of Soyabean Oil : Mechanical
Expeller procedure
E 85 Manufacture of Urea C
E 86 Manufacture of Heavy Water C
E 87 Hydrogenation of Oils C
C 51 Fractional & Steam Distillation C
C 57 Refi ning of Petroleum C
E 58 Refi ning of Alumina C
Ps 4 Periodic Classifi cation of Elements :
Longform (125 x200 cms
C 1 Shapes of Atomic Orbitals 2c
C 38 Structural Isomerism C
C 39 Hybridisation C
E 30 Hot Lime Soda Water Softener C
E 38 Fire Extinguisher C
E 100 Typs of Fire Extinguisher (How to use Fire Extinguisher) C


E 80 Foundations : Wells C
E 81 Foundations : Wall footings C
E 82 Steel Trusses C
E 83 Reinforced Cement Concrete C
E 84 Sewer Appurtenances C
Bi 57 Municipal Water Treatment C
E 97 Bricks Manufacturing C


E 90 Types Of Welding Joints C
E 91 Tools Used In Carpentry C
E 92 Types Of Carpentry Joints-I C
E 98 Types Of Carpentry Joints-II C
E 96 Types Of Flames C


E 101 Single Acting Reciprocating Compressor C
E 102 Gauges-I C
E 103 Gauges-II C
E 104 Gauges-III C
E 105 Drill – I C
E 106 Drill – II C
E 107 Cutting Tool – I (Basic Requirement) C
E 108 Cutting Tool – II (Chip Formation) C
E 109 Bending – I (Principles Of Bending) C
E 110 Bending – II (‘V’ Bending Dies) C
E 111 CAMS-I C
E 113 Counter C
E 114 Types Of Mechanical Drift Cooling Towers C
E 115 Evaporative Condenser B
E 116 Water Cooled Condenser B
E 117 Summary of Dos Commands C
E 118 Dos Commands C
E 119 Data Base System Vs File System C